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Street caps lock

• Road caps P 123 rigid water for execution
• Road caps P 123 adjustable for water version
• Road caps P 123 rigid gas version
• Road caps P 123 adjustable for gas version
• Carrying plastic sheeting for road caps
• Operating lock for road caps

For more details , please refer to our website and take it if you are interested contact us.

Gas- und Wasserarmaturen aus Kunststoff GmbH
Straßenkappen aus Kunststoff
Industriestraße 4
D – 74933 Neidenstein

Telefon: +49 (0) 7263 / 91 96 98
Telefax: +49 (0) 7263 / 91 96 97


The company G + W GmbH is a young and dynamic company which was founded in 2002 and specializes in the production of plastic caps and tote road plates of their own tools .

G + W GmbH relies here on the years of experience of its employees in the manufacture and sale of these products . The focus of the work lies on the intensive personal advice and customer care by trained personnel.

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