Company profile

The company is the inventor of the dikes, that can be quickly set up in case of need and also quickly removed. Mobildeich offers safe and efficient flood protection in three areas of application: floodwater protection, draining of construction sites and industrial water management.

The Mobildeich-System convinced at full practical use the experts from the specialist departments of insurances, firefighters and flood protection headquarters. Its high resistance against vandalism or flotsam has already being successfully demonstrated.

Products and services

Mobildeich is a tube dyke which is filled with water. It is robust and durable, and it consists of a unique 3-Component-Safety System.

The product and its accessories was developed is close cooperation with employees of the fire brigade and the THW (Technical Relief Agency). The “mobile dike” is made up of individual dike elements, that are available in all sizes and different lengths.

You can use the modules in any combination with each other and connect them to a stable chain of dykes. The System can dam up water at heights of 45 cm to 2.60 m – depending on the module’s size.

To give the possibility to use the right solution for every application, so the company offer different buying and rental models.

 Hochwasserschutz mit Mobildeich  Produkt Mobildeich

Mobildeich GmbH

Alte Landstr. 224
D-22391 Hamburg

Phone: +49 (0) 40/ 52 68 49 10
Fax: +49 (0) 40/ 52 68 49 15

Emergency Calls:
+49 172 410 42 73


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