H2O-Solarwasser UG

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Equipment for the production of pure H2O for drinking water from sea, river and brackish water using solar energy.

The principle:

The sun makes the H2O evaporate, it condenses, is collected an purified. Without an engine and without emissions.

Solar water is pure H2O, low in minerals, free from bacteria and therefore versatile.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

H2O-Solarwasser UG

Max-Eyth-Str. 55a
D-46149 Oberhausen


Solarwasser deals with the problem of supplying a family with the daily requirement of drinking water from contaminated or salt water. A spring in your own garden – so to speak.

Evaporation and condensation are natural. It is essential to concentrate the process in such a way that within 24 hours a substantial amount of solar water is yielded using the sun’s energy.

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