Company profile
The non-profit WaterFoundation is active in countries where the scarcity of drinking water threatens the livelihood of the population and hampers sustainable development. We sponsor projects to combat water shortage and the overexploitation of natural resources, and support research initiatives in this field. We stand for information, education and the transfer of knowledge and technology to promote better use of a precious resource.
The WaterFoundation supports self-determined development, enabling people to take care of their own water supply in the future. We offer concepts that are easy to implement and tailored to people’s everyday needs, taking account of cultural and environmental factors and of technical and financial constraints. The Foundation combines its projects with modern solutions for energy, health, education and income opportunities adapted to local conditions.
Manufacturing and delivery programme
Water supply
By making simple, environmentally friendly tools available, the WaterFoundation helps to improve and maintain the water supply of the world’s rural population. We take care to ensure that families, women and children benefit from our efforts. We provide women with donkeys as water bearers, we support the construction of wells and boreholes, and we give assistance in building sanitary facilities. The CloudFisher fog-harvesting technology makes it possible to supply countless people with clean drinking water.
Water knowledge
The WaterFoundation supports “Water Schools” and “Green Clubs” in Africa, to raise awareness of water and water issues. Children learn in theory and practice how to make sustainable use of water sources that already exist and of new sources that will become available in the future. Young people are the most important disseminators of water knowledge, which they pass on to their families and thus to the entire village. Water knowledge includes topics such as water collection and supply, hygienic wastewater disposal, pollution control and reforestation, as well as knowledge and skills for soil conservation and the protection of ground water.
Water rights
The human right to water entitles everyone to a sufficient, safe, secure, acceptable, physically accessible and affordable supply of water for personal and domestic use. The WaterFoundation contributes to the ongoing political campaign for explicit recognition of water as a human right. We offer legal support to those willing to make a lasting commitment to promoting water rights in their own country.
Water resources
The WaterFoundation seeks and supports opportunities to develop existing or new water supplies. “Green Village” includes projects for the stabilization and improvement of water sources through reforestation and revegetation. The CloudFisher, a new development, uses atmospheric water vapour as a new source of drinking water. It is the world’s first production fog collector capable of withstanding wind speeds of up to 120 kph. The fog nets catch and harvest water droplets in the air. This pioneering technology can supply people in many countries with cheap and clean drinking water. The water obtained in this cost-effective way can also be used by farmers, for reforestation projects or in industry.
Lechnerstraße 23
D-82067 Ebenhausen
Tel: +49 (0) 8178/ 99 84 18
Fax: +49 (0) 8178/ 99 84 19
For further information please visit our website. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
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