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We perform Macrozoobenthos and diatom assessments in streams according to EU-WFD and Swiss water act regulations.

We perform microscopical analysis of phytoplankton compositions and cyanobacteria in fresh water (generic group determination) in the framework of water quality assessment of standing water bodies, e.g. lakes, ponds (trophic actual condition, LAWA Germany).

Online biomonitoring is essential wherever pollution hazards in water, sediment and soil affect ecological integrity and/or human health due to: accidents, spills, sabotage, bio-terrorism; permanent effluents from point polluters; invisible hidden leakages in waste deposits; etc.

Examples of endusers: waterworks, beverage industry, aquaculture, waste water treatment plants, waste disposals, etc.

LimCo International GmbH

Blarerstr. 56
D – 78462 Konstanz

Phone: +49 (0) 7531/ 9 91 35 94


Since 1998 we offer expert service, research and development of innovative products for water quality assessment, monitoring and restoration in surface water (freshwater, marin), drinking water and waste water.

We participate in and lead projects in international cooperation with academia, industries and governments around the globe. Our LimCo BioSensor system (LBS) based on the established Multispecies Freshwater Biomonitor (MFB) continuously detects and monitors effects of mixtures of pollutants, thus allows to detect even unknown substances in due time before pollution irreversively spreads in the environment or even harms human health.

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